Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chapter 8 Distractions Make the World Go Round

Learning to be.

Waking up.
Continuing to... be.

The Speaker Box Of Reason...

Edward's Favorite Game.
New Responsibilities.

Secrets That Push.
The song Bella plays right before she catches Edward watching,

Beautiful Distractions.
Bella's Tattoob.
'love yourself first'

Aro's Beach House.
Jam Room.

Aro's Truck.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

~Chapter 8 Teasers~


It was ten minutes after seven when the door bell rang and Mighty Mouse Alice was instantly in ‘go-mode'.

“Oh my god! They’re here!” she squealed running through the kitchen to head towards the front of the house.

“Why the hell is she so excited over receiving a job assignment. Who actually want’s to work?” Rose snickered after taking a seat beside Emmett who was scanning a Sports Illustrated magazine on the smaller couch in our large living room.

“I’m looking forward to having a reason to get out of the house actually,” James spoke up collapsing beside me where I was currently laying on my stomach with my own piece of reading material. I sat up with a huff but agreed with what he had said, “It could be fun,” I insisted, already hoping for the best.

I’ve worked before. Never for longer than a few months at a time. I’d always find a reason to terminate responsibility. All it took was one coworker who would suddenly start to look at me funny after a one night stand. Besides, I never worked because I had to. I worked so I’d have something to do. A reason to get up in the morning. I found that if I sat around for too long with only my thoughts to entertain me… that’s when things would start to get… complicated.

What’s that saying… Idle hands are the devils playground… well in my case an idle brain with nagging thoughts could be my own worst enemy.

Friday, January 21, 2011

CH 7 Teaser

Teaser for CH 7 of IRL:

I was determined to let myself sober up because a drunk Bella was not a wise Bella when it came to Edward Masen Cullen, so I hadn’t even romanced the idea of bringing along a bottle of booze. Besides, booze and skateboards don’t mix. That I was sure of, and I was all of a sudden struck with the realization that Edward may not be sober enough for this little adventure of ours.

“How much did you drink tonight?” I asked, walking beside him after a few minutes of silence. We were only a few blocks away from the school now, but we’d yet to say a single word to each other since leaving the house.

“Not too much. I’m fine,” he assured me, then smiled down in my direction, forcing me to look away.

“So, the blonde tonight, did you get her name or just her fingerprints on your dick?” I asked impulsively.

Evil awkward silences! This is what you do to me!

I desperately wanted to punch myself in the vagina for even bringing the skank-a-roo up.

“Um, I think it was Chloe?”

“Chloe, how cute. I thought about naming my dog that,” I snickered, then bit down on my lip hoping it would help keep my mouth shut.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Chapter 5 Adventures In Bella-Sitting

Skate Shop in town

Volturi's Crook



The song Bella sings with Aro at Open Mic Night:

Confessional Room in the attic.